Is Apple losing a little of its bite?
An article in suggests that Apple is lagging behind rivals Samsung, HTC and even perhaps Sony.
The reason, it says, is that the Retina display, while delivering crisp and bright colour, is just not as rich and colourful as the rival AMOLED display.
Forbes says: “Color is an essential part of the consumer experience and LCD screens, like the Retina, cannot compete with the rich colors of OLED. Until now.”
It seems that the saviour for Apple’s LCD-based display will be a system from 3M’s Optical Systems Division, and nanotech partner Nanosys,called QDEF which boasts 50 per cent better colour than current LCD displays.
“It puts LCD on the same plane as OLED (the Samsung technology),” claims senior researcher John van der Lofske, from 3M Optical Systems Division.
QDEF is packaged into LCD back panel films by 3M, who are currently ramping up production and Forbes says that Apple is among the companies assessing QDEF and adds: “Combined with the Retina, it should make for an awesome display.”